
Consultancy Services for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Traffic Study (TS), Land Acquisition Plan (LAP), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

Consultancy Services for IEE And Traffic Study for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Construction of a "B" Class Railway Station at Birol Land Port

Consultancy Services for Environmental Quality Test - Baseline Analysis near Postagola at 1st Buriganga Bridge under six (6) lane road/driveway (from Beribadh Rayer Bazar Sluice Gate to the Postogola Bridge along the river Buriganga).

Consultancy Services for Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation (BME) Terminal Survey of Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (LGED Part).

Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study of Procurement of Various Rolling stocks for Bangladesh Railway.

Feasibility Study for Replacement of Dilapidated and Narrow Bailey Bridge at Important Points “(Chattogram Zone)

Consultancy services for Updating of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Resettlement Plan (RP) for Improvement of the Hatirjheel-Rampura-Bonoshree Ideal School and College Sheikherjaiga-Amulia-Demra Highway into 4-lanes (including link to Chittagong Road intersection and access to Tarabo) through Public Private Partnership.

Consultancy services for, Feasibility study of Rehabilitation/Maintenance of Railway track and Feasibility study along with detail design for Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction of the Bridges in Western Zone of Bangladesh Railway. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Traffic Survey.

Feasibility Study for Procurement of 260 Nos. Broad Gauge Carriages for Bangladesh Railway. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Traffic Survey