Project Name:
Assessment of Micro-Plastic (MP) Pollution in Rivers and Canals around Dhaka |
Country: Bangladesh |
Project Duration: 06/2022 to 09/2023 |
Description of Project:
The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has endorsed the National Action Plan (NAP) for Sustainable Management of Plastic in Bangladesh and are partnering with World Bank to implement the actions. Monitoring, evaluation and review of the implementation of the NAP including detail assessment of Micro-Plastic (MP) are critical to ensure that information is used to inform decision-making, make appropriate adjustments, design the interventions required to address the MP pollutions and report to stakeholders and decision makers. In this regard, 2030 WRG (a public, private and civil society partnership hosted by the World Bank Group) intends to undertake the following: – Conducting a detailed assessment of the microplastic pollution in rivers and canals around Dhaka city to develop options to address MP pollution. |
Description of Actual Services Provided by Staff of this Firm in the Assignment:
Under the terms of the consultancy assignment, the team of consultants will perform the following activities: Task 1: Undertake detailed assessment of microplastic concentration in the rivers and canals in and around Dhaka city: volume & composition of microplastic Under this task, the DSCL will assess the following aspects based on field survey and lab test: a) Identify the sources of microplastic pollution with estimated volume of discharge which will include industrial, commercial and residential clusters and detailed mapping in GIS system. b) Identify the products in use in Bangladesh that are responsible for MP generation and development of product wise index, therefore the amount of MP generated from each product c) Collection of water sample from canals and rivers and conduct lab test to identify the MP concentration in water bodies. d) Specification of volume & composition of micro-plastic in the water bodies (cluster and product wise) using internationally accepted methods and protocols. e) Detailed GIS mapping of the locations of MP deposition in the open water bodies (rivers and canals) f) Prepare river health diagnosis report with respect to MP concentration specifying the level of pollution in different stretches of rivers and canals and establish relationship to nearby possible sources. g) Impact assessment on aquatic and terrestrial health of MP pollution; collection of aquatic samples and analyse in reputed/accredited laboratory using internationally accepted protocols to identify and estimate the amount of MP in fishes and other aquatic life.
Task 2: Evaluation of technological and infrastructural interventions tackling the microplastic pollution in rivers and canals: option development
The DSCL will review available literature and assemble information from various secondary sources on the technical and infrastructural options to remove the microplastic from the water bodies. The team will examine the best available technical solutions that fit in context of Bangladesh for the cleaning up of the existing pollutant. This task will include the followings:
a) Prepare technological and infrastructural inventory and best practices to eliminate existing microplastic from the water bodies b) Develop regulatory, technical and infrastructural intervention to restrict micro plastic pollution at source c) Conduct at least 10 expert consultations (KII) to validate the inventory d) Undertake a detailed cost benefit analysis of top interventions listed in the inventory that fit to Bangladesh perspective and is culturally and socially acceptable. e) Conduct case studies on microplastic pollution control around the world f) Needs assessment of regulatory and institutional capacity enhancement for the relevant ministries and agencies to implement the proposed interventions.
Task 3: Results validation and dissemination workshops Under this task the DSCL will require the perform the activities below: a) Conduct workshops/seminar on the results to get feedback, review, validate and finally disseminate among public-private and Civil Society b) Conduct national dissemination workshop with all relevant stakeholders from public-private and Civil Society. |
House# 734 (1-A), Road# 10, Avenue# 04, DOHS Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
+88 01822758548